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Fixtures 2024

League Calendar 2024

Season 2

Round 1
  15/07/24 22/07/24 29/07/24 5/08/24 12/08/24 19/08/24 26/08/24
WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 v 2 7 v 4 5 v 7 7 v 6 3 v 4 7 v 1 6 v 3
3 v 7 6 v 5 4 v 1 2 v 4 1 v 6 3 v 5 2 v 7
4 v 6 1 v 3 2 v 3 5 v 1 2 v 5 6 v 2 5 v 4
Bye 5 2 6 3 7 4 1


Round 2
  2/09/24 9/09/24 16/09/24 30/09/24 7/10/24 14/10/24 21/10/24
WEEK 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2 v 1 4 v 7 7 v 5 6 v 7 4 v 3 1 v 7 3 v 6
7 v 3 5 v 6 1 v 4 4 v 2 6 v 1 5 v 3 7 v 2
6 v 4 3 v 1 3 v 2 1 v 5 5 v 2 2 v 6 4 v 5
Bye 5 2 6 3 7 4 1

The number mentioned first is the home team (eg "1v2" means team 1 will play at home).

Please email completed scorecards within 24 hours to league@tabletennis.joburg

All League queries/questions to be addressed to league@tabletennis.joburg

League info/scores will be posted on the web site as regularly as possible.


Please be conscientious about preventing walkovers. If unable to make a league fixture, the team captain must contact the respective opposing team captain timeously to discuss/reorganise. The grace period is 21 days from when the league fixture was scheduled to be played as per league playing roster.

Please feel free to bring matches forward if a problem is foreseen.

All league matches are to commence by 19:45 latest.

Please remember the wearing of club colours during all league matches.

Score cards must be filled in correctly and emailed within 24hrs of the fixture played.


Number Team Home Night
1 Anchors A Wed
2 Waterfall A Thu
3 Raiders A Wed
4 Queens A Mon
5 Rivonia A Tue
6 Blue Fountains A Wed
7 Masters A Mon